Buddhist Practice In The Service Of All Beings Everywhere
“It is through the activities of one's life that one's discernment shines.”
– Anguttara Nikaya 3.2 - Lakkhana Sutta
“It is through the activities of one's life that one's discernment shines.”
– Anguttara Nikaya 3.2 - Lakkhana Sutta
JoAnna Hardy is an insight meditation (Vipassanā) practitioner and teacher; she is on faculty at the University of Southern California, a meditation trainer at Apple Fitness+, a founding member and teacher at the Meditation Coalition, a visiting teacher at Black Being LA, a visiting retreat teacher at Insight Meditation Society, and a collaborator on many online meditation Apps and programs.
She was born into a Catholic family and has early memories of being drawn toward contemplation, quietness and inner reflection. All the while externally rebelling and pushing up against societal norms that keep many oppressed, marginalized and excluded.
Her inner turmoil led to causing external pain for herself and others. To help lessen her suffering she went on a search for some kind of peace. For years at a time she visited many different spiritual traditions, eventually finding her home in Buddhism and Vipassanā meditation.
She teaches; silent meditation retreats, social justice based meditation classes and workshops, youth work, online courses, and works with private students.
She coauthored Teaching Mindfulness to Empower Adolescents, alongside Matthew Brensilver and Oren Jay Sofer.
Her greatest passion is to teach meditation in communities that are dedicated to seeing the truth of how racism, gender inequality and oppression go hand in hand with the compassionate action teachings in Buddhism and related perspectives to social and racial justice.
She is the grateful mother to CJ and Harris and happily married to Andre.
“Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. I use the word "love" here not merely in the personal sense but as a state of being, or a state of grace - not in the infantile American sense of being made happy but in the tough and universal sense of quest and daring and growth.” - James Baldwin, The Fire Next Time
Extensive recordings of JoAnna's dharma talks and guided meditations are available in the following places:
Our hearts are grieving. We will be offering a daily morning sit and a few words for those affected by the fires, those who support them and this beautiful city of Angeles. Please join.
Free for All Zoom Link
First Sunday of Every Month, 11am - 12:30pm PT @Clockshop, 2806 Clearwater St, Los Angeles, CA.
This is a meditation group for people of color and their allies interested in using the Buddhist principles of mindfulness and compassion to help work with and understand better the many painful issues that people of color encounter in America.
Lion's Roar
October 26, 2017
Spirit Rock Newsletter
Summer 2016
In 10 easy-to-follow videos, meditation expert JoAnna Hardy will teach you the basics of metta and how to put them into practice. Before you know it, How to Cultivate a Loving Heart will have you creating, and deepening, love and goodwill for yourself and the people in your life.
For 10% Happier subscribers, this course looks at the relationship of sila (ethical conduct). The course was shot in a bar to underscore that precepts are not commandments but trainings. We seek to cultivate a deep, ongoing exploration of how our actions and behaviors affect our mind, heart and those around us.
Next Step Dharma is a six week online course focusing on post-retreat integration. Featuring JoAnna and a variety of prominent Insight Meditation teachers, it's particularly useful for folks who are new to the process of transitioning back into daily life from the space of retreat.
Mindfulness is not simply a technique. It is more of a deeply honest conversation with ourselves and each other—a conversation that includes all of the joy and sorrow, love and loss of a human life.
As adults, we can facilitate this radically honest conversation with and among adolescents. This book invites educators to draw on their own wisdom, vulnerability and strength to engage their students, awaken mindfulness, and nourish compassion within them.
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